Saturday 27 February 2010

Day 62 & 63 (27 & 28/02/10)

Busy preparing for a course spending the day doing laminates and handouts. It must be nice to work for a large company which has access to a printing department who do all of these things for you. Then again I did that but just hated working for other people.

My new laser printing seems a lot quicker but the colours and sizes are slightly different, but I haven't got the time or enthusiasm to alter everything.

I got some more courses booked but nothing nearby so time spent driving and being away. Maybe flying to one next month, nowhere hot but a nice place I haven't been to for a few years, where at least they speak English and have the best cooked breakfasts in the world.

Anyway its still raining so staying in seems like a good idea.

Update - Sat 22:00 - Well that was a day spent doing laminates. 59 sheets full sheets which then had to be cut up into different lots, about 200 of them.

I think when these lot are gone I will start giving out less on the courses.

My wife has gone to Bristol to see her mum (a usual Saturday routine), Kelly has gone to work and taken my car and Thomas has gone out to see some friends. Before he left I had to ask him for his door key, as it looked like I was going to be locked in and all alone. I tried to call child line but apparently it is OK to leave an adult locked in a house. Oh well.

Update - Sun 17:00 - The only trouble with your kids growing up is that I am now sat in the back seat of my own car, as Kelly wanted to drive and Thomas got to the front passenger seat first.

Bloody kids.

I did a Sunday roast, it was quite nice and we had a bottle of Cava, which was not so good. The wife didn't want any more Cava so I am now sat in my office trying to work whilst drinking half a bottle of Cava. Not good.


  1. Cava not good? Sorry, this is an alien concept to me. You need to explain it a bit to me.
