Saturday 1 December 2012

Day 1071 & 1072 (01 & 02/12/2012)

I shaved as soon as Movember was over and what a relief it was. I will never attempt to grow a mustache again.

Obviously I tried the Hitler / Chaplin mustache but it was never going to be any good.

Lots of work to do today but tidied the garden again. Hopefully that is the last of the leaves.

I wrapped up a few of the plants against the frost but don't know how much good it will do.

Must finish some reports as I have a meeting to go to tomorrow, which is a pain but there is usually a lovely buffet there.

Update - Sunday 21:00 - Kelly was in London yesterday and came back with some Krispy Kreme doughnuts for us.

Had a meeting in Bristol today. I would rather not go as its work stuff on a Sunday but partly only go because there is always a nice buffet with a large slab of Wensleydale & Cranberry Cheese.

Shock horror, only Cheedar and Red Leicester today. I made a complaint, it may have ruined my day.

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