Saturday 22 September 2012

Day 1001 & 1002 (22 &23/09/2012)

Probably doing the same stuff again today but might pop out with my wife latter for a pub meal as we haven't been out together for a few weeks.

Also she has taken a few days off next month so we must plan a nice weekend away somewhere.

Update - Sunday 18:00 - Well we didn't go out for dinner last night. I wasn't feeling great so we had a Chinese take-away instead from the wonderful Jade Garden.

I know it looks a lot, well to be fair when they can no longer deliver a take-away in a carrier bag but have to use a big cardboard box it obviously is a lot but it was for Saturday & Sunday not just the one meal.

So in reality it was just a fair amount of food that was quite reasonably priced for two meals; however I am now completely stuffed in our attempt to eat it all to save having to pack it away. I might have to wait before afters.

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