Thursday 2 April 2020

Day 3744 (31/03/2020)

The day started with a lovely breakfast.

Obviously we are roughing it during these days of lockdown, with our soda bread and mashed avocado and poached eggs.

So it was another similar day but I had to pop into town to challenge the bank why a cheque I had paid in on the 19th had still not appeared in my account and my previous complaint had gone un-replied to.

Their excuse was that when the cheque was being dealt with, they thought the cheque, which made out to me, was being paid into the wrong account, so they had decided to return it to me in the post but I obviously hadn't received it.

It appears that they failed to notice that the account it was being paid into is a joint account with my wife and for some reason my name was not visible on the system, just my wife's name. It is total reverse sexiest behaviour, where my wife's details have been put first, probably because they have done it alphabetically and I am so insignificant my name has fallen off of the system.

This wasn't my fault at all, it was totally their fault but their advice to get it sorted was for me to call the HMRC who issued the cheque, to cancel the old missing cheque and issue a fresh cheque.

Obviously during these days this would involve me spending hours on the phone to HMRC, so I told them what my daily rate was, which I would be charging them, which they weren't keen on paying.

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