Friday 27 September 2024

Day 5381 (25/09/2024)

Busy all day but in the evening I made a quick pasta dinner, with prawns in a white wine & cream sauce with a bit of lemon, which went down nicely with a glass or two of wine, I also did a vegi option for Thomas.

Quite tasty. 

Day 5380 (24/09/2024)

We had a nice relaxing morning and brunch. 

Then I was busy at home all day with more reports to do. I was online in the evening but life should be a  lot easier in a few weeks, when I have left Locate, which I need to do and can't really wait for.

Day 5379 (23/09/2024)

Back to work, with a few reports that needed doing, then when my wife came home, we had a quick but late lunch, then we drove up to Monmouthshire, in awful rainy, to see Laura's Art Exhibition. 


We bought a painting. 

She is very talented.

Then we went off to Gary & Elaine's for some tasty fish & chips. 

Thankfully the journey back was a lot easier as the rain had stopped. 

Saturday 21 September 2024

Day 5377 & 5378 (21 & 22/09/2024)

It's the weekend and we had a nice brunch.

We had a fairly relaxing day, then in the evening I made a tasty asparagus risotto. 

All very tasty. 

Sunday I saw my parents for breakfast and then I went home to do some work and make a roast chicken dinner.

Very tasty. 

Day 5376 (20/09/2024)

It was a busy long day, as I drove my parents to Bridgend to see an uncle who had been in hospital.

We stopped off for coffee & cake first.

Then I had a quick drive around Bridgend and visited our old house before driving back. 

Had a nice fish pie in the evening.

Day 5375 (19/09/2024)

We seem to have truly moved from Summer into Winter and its horrible.  It seemed a busy day outside our house, with a short chase and a drink driver, who thankfully grounded his van out on the pavement so missed hitting our fence.  

I was busy in the office and had some nice pasta in the evening. 

Day 5374 (18/09/2024)

 Another busy day in the office, my wife is getting much better and I had some nice pie & mash in the evening.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Day 5373 (17/09/2024)

My wife is getting better but still recovering, so another fairly quiet day at home and in the office. 

Day 5372 (16/09/2024)

My wife was still poorly, so it was a quite relaxing day at home, with a bit of work.

In the evening Thomas made a tasty hummus pasta.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Day 5370 & 5371 (14 & 15/09/2024)

The weekend and we had a bit of a lazy day, and I made some pizzas in the evening. 

Sunday I saw my parents for breakfast, then home to do some work and make a very tasty slow cooked roast lamb dinner.

It was really lovely, unfortunately my wife wasn't very well after work, so she didn't have hers.