Thursday 27 June 2024

Day 5286 & 5287 (22 & 23/06/2024)

Up a little bit earlier as we were travelling home, but we had time for breakfast, however the day was more than a bit stressful as firstly the EasyJet Pick-Up went to the wrong place, so we had grab a taxi and rush thru the airport, then we had to sit on the plane for over half an hour as we were delayed, then a really annoying bitch of a kid kept knocking the back of my chair.

Then we we got to Bristol Airport they had mislaid our car (& quite a few others as well), so all in all we were stressed and about 90minutes later than we should have been. It was a relief to get in our car and stop off for a subway on the way home. 

We got home relaxed a bit and got some pizzas for dinner.

Sunday was the 40th Anniversary of my wife & I first meeting. We had a nice brunch and a relaxing start to the day.

Then we popped out for the day, via Bridgwater, where we had a costa.

Then to Dunster & Minehead for a walk along the seafront.

Signs of lots of razor clams (tasty razor clams). 

And some nice fish & chips.

And a McFlurry. 

Then home for more football. 

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