Saturday 18 May 2024

Day 5246 (13/05/2024)

It was my wife's Birthday and after another tasty breakfast we caught the bus into town and then caught a boat to Lokrum Island.

The boat journey wasn't long but was nice and Lokrum Island was quite surprising.

Apparently they filmed some of Game Of Thrones here. 

It was really hot & fairly exhausting walking around, so we stopped for a cooling drink. 

Then we went for an evening long & hillier walk and then met up by the jetty for a refreshing ice-cream. 

Then back on the boat and back to the mainland and more walking to go to a restaurant my wife wanted to go to. 

The restaurant was right on the beach which was lovely. 

Then back on the bus and back to the hotel, where they had provided a bottle of fizz for my wife;s birthday, which was very nice of therm.  

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