Wednesday 31 July 2024

Day 5321 & 5322 (27 & 28/07/2024)

It's my Birthday, getting even closer to 60, which is horrible but I suppose than the alternative.

We had a lovely brunch, one of my favorites. 

Then got ready and drove off to Southampton, stopping for a coffee & some cake on the way. 

Then we got to the hotel and booked in, before meeting in the bar for a drink.

Then off to Cosmo for a nice piggie around the world all you could eat buffet.

They had a great little ice-cream machine

Then back fairly early to the hotel to collapse.

We had a relaxing morning at the hotel, then checked-out and went for a nice brunch.

Then my wife went for a walk around the area with Lee & Tim, whilst me and Thomas watched the Olympics at the fan-zone and had a nice cooling drink.

Then a slow drive home, stopping off for dinner at Wagamama's in Dorchester. 

Then home after a lovely birthday weekend.

Friday 26 July 2024

Day 5320 (26/07/2024)

Quite a few things to do in the office and no time for the gym. When my wife finished work we went off to Bridgwater to lay some flowers on Kim's grave.

Hard to believe so many years have passed without her. 

Then back to Taunton to see my Mum & dad for my Birthday.

Then home and some lovely fish & chips, with curry sauce for dinner.  

Day 5319 (25/07/2024)

Another busy day in the office and at the gym.

Finished off the curry in the evening.

Day 5318 (24/07/2024)

Another busy day in the office and at the gym.

In the evening we went out for an Indian, for Thomas’s delayed Birthday Meal. We went for the very tasty vegetarian tasting menu, whilst my wife had a different vegetarian curry.

I lovely evening. 

Day 5317 (23/07/2024)

It seems odd not having Anne coming round to clean, it is so sad, she was a lovely lady, who deserved better. 

So there were things to do in the office and at the gym. 

Then I was online in the evening then we had a late pizza.