Sunday, 6 October 2013

Day 1379 & 1380 (05 & 06/10/2013)

Saturday morning and it was lovely to all be back together for breakfast. Then I was watching Jesus Christ Superstar on DVD, it is one of my favourites and I'm so glad that I got to see the show in Cardiff last year.

Then in the evening we all went our for a meal with my Mum & Dad for their 50th Wedding Anniversary, with Kelly being their as a surprise for them.

We went to the Wine & Sausage Restaurant at The Corner House Hotel, which has really nice food but it would be fair to say the service was a bit crap as they brought the wrong meals.

Then back to Mum & Dads for a few presents and some cake (well a lot of cake actually)

Thomas was at Bournemouth v Millwall and had his best ever match with a total of 8 online publications within a few hours of the match.

 And his clearest ever appearance on the telly.

On Sunday Thomas went off to try his hand photographing the rugby whilst we had a nice roast dinner with Kelly before she had to go back to Brighton.

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