Then the Knickerbocker Glory, very nice.

Saw this on Twitter and had to include it.

Don't forget its not nice to call an old man names but if he is a Nazi and is a friend to paedophiles, then shouting the truth at him is the least you should do.
This a very funny song by Tim Minchin. You have to sign in to view it as someone says its to offensive for under 18's. But is there an age restriction on who the Pope can meet, as there should be.
Update - 12:00 - Why is it when my friends tell me about a great opportunity to work in a recent war zone that they are always surprised that I'm not that keen. OK I agree that the money is good and it looks good on a CV to say that you worked there but it is the war zone part that makes me think that perhaps I shouldn't be there.
Thankfully I don't need the money at the moment, so I will stay in the UK or any nice countries where they have proper toilets, speak some form of English and there has not recently been any war.
"....so I will stay in the UK or any nice countries..."
ReplyDeleteDo you include the UK as a nice country because there are a lots of places here that do not have proper toilets and certainly don't speak English...!!
OK it should have read any other nice country and most of our country has proper toilets and speaks english.
ReplyDeleteOr are you thinking I should go to a war zone? :-(
...would I think that about you ?