I have never seen the point of the ipad but I have a member of staff who complains that when they are in the lower offices relaxing that there are times they would like access to the internet.
I did buy a laptop for her 2 years ago which she never uses. So when she does need it, it always needs the anti virus and windows updating, so she doesn't bother.
I thought the ipad would be ideal so visited all the places in Taunton but no-one has them, they only order them for customers as there is no demand. Of course there is a demand, I want one you bastards and I want it now.
So now I have to either drive for an hour to visit an apple store or just go on-line and order it. Think I will order one and bid for an old iphone on ebay, which should see me thru until my contract runs out.
Update - Sat 11:15 - Ordered my ipad but received an email saying it wont be here until around the 12th of July. AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH.
Update - Sat 20:30 - Its hot, work to do, Glastonbury on the telly and football on as well. Too many things to do, thank god Dominoes deliver. I had a great pizza, now back to work with Shakira on the iplayer.
Shakira's OK (well the hips don't lie) but I prefer Lauren Laverne, she's just about perfect.

I am gutted that this is as close as I will ever get to her.
Update - Sun 09:00 - At least there will always be me and Kylie.

It was so hot yesterday that I decided on a simple t-shirt and shorts combination. I'm so glad as when I was watching the Scissor Sisters on the telly at Glastonbury I would nearly have been wearing the same as Jake Shears,

that would have been just so embarrassing.
Anyway the Scissors Sisters were good and so were the Pet Shop Boys. I love the coverage on BBC and 6 Music but time for some work, might play some Rufus Wainwright.
I'm beginning to wonder if my wife has been putting anything in my tea lately.
Update - Sun 10:00 - Just had a chat with my young aunty C. Discussed the Ground Hog Day that is England at football.
I am predicting that we will be out of the World Cup by this evening. We will be out played, then Rooney will get upset and slide tackle someone and get sent off in disgrace. England the plucky loosers, again and again and again.
We invented the game so lets tell everyone else they can't play our game.
To enter the World Cup, instead of having qualifying games the criteria could be, "Did you invent the game?"
"Yes" "Well come on in then"
"No" "Well go away"
We could then do the same with Cricket.
Have the Americans or Australians ever invented a sport that we are interested in, well no, so it won't matter if they adopt the new rules.
The Greek economy is bankrupt so they could do the same for the Olympics but could then sell places to other countries. This would help their economy and mean that our over paid and over pampered stars could win a medal, rather than trailing behind an African who has only relied on his talent and love of running.
Now, back to Rufus.
I would LOVE an ipad but can't justify the expense, so am having to continue to make do with my ipod.
ReplyDelete.......am I still on your payroll ? You must keep your staff happy.
Sorry, it's for staff at the international headquarters only.
ReplyDeleteI could never see a need for an ipad but they seem ideal to leave lying round to be picked up for a quick internet enquiry or watching the iplayer. Must keep the staff happy even if i'm not and i'm not.
I should of added I would find it hard to justify the expense of these things but thankfully I really need them for work but will never use them for any home stuff ;-)
ReplyDeletewell, in six degrees of separation you are actually very close !! ha ha.
ReplyDeletenot as close as him, lucky sod, shes lovely
ReplyDeleteShe's every bit as lovely in real life as she seems on the telly and radio. A friend of mine who does Worthy FM every year is doing a show with her at Glasto this weekend. Now I'm the one that's gutted.
ReplyDeleteLuckily we have our other halves. Thankfully we both scored a bit above expectation there.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm always open to offers from the lovely Elise Rayner, the Lauren Laverne for the slightly older man. So my birthday is coming up brother, sort something out ;-)
Does Kylie know about "you and Kylie" ? She never mentions you in the papers. I would be quite concerned about that if I was you.
ReplyDeleteit's our secret
ReplyDelete"young aunty C"
ReplyDeleteThank you N.