Must get two reports done today then might cut the grass, then off out tonight with a few friends to see Ruby Wax at the local theater.
Update - Sat 10:45 - Thomas gone to a revision class (yes, on a Saturday morning) and Kelly gone to a youth theater thing. House seems very quite. Might get more work done.
Update - Sun 10:00 - Well I got the two reports done and then cut the grass. So that was good.

A group of us went to see Ruby Wax in her show Losing It which is about mental health and her breakdown. It was very funny and very good, well worth going to.
We stayed for a drink afterwards to cool off, as it was baking hot in the theater. I checked out the latest display in the gallery, which included a man sat in a chair, which was all made of cardboard.

So today is again lovely and sunny and is going to be a lol day. No, not laugh out loud, or even lolling about being lazy, its a Lots Of Laminates day. I have two courses coming up so must get everything ready for them so have to do a double laminates session and search out a new website design.
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