Sunday 15 November 2015

Day 2146 (13/11/2015)

Busy in the office, loads of reports that need doing but so much training booked.

I had decide not to arrange any more training but I was booked for two more courses today, which I only half agreed to because I knew if I didn't do them then the company I hate would have done them.

Truly ghastly news from Paris (again).

Whilst I don't believe in making human sacrifices to appease the gods, it might be worth killing the Blair family and a few others that put us in this mess to see if it helps.

The lessons should be; don't prop up awful dictators and if you are going to destabilise a country by war then you are responsible for that country and have a duty to make sure it is left in a better state than when you got involved with it.

I fear we have learnt neither, and so innocent people will suffer.

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