Tuesday 18 November 2014

Day 1787 (18/11/2014)

Had a hair cut so feel and look slightly younger.

Doing odds and sods in the office and then went to the gym in the evening whilst my wife went to one of her classes.

Did my routine again, 15 minutes cycling, then the weights and sit-ups (with extra weights), doing 15, 10 then 5 reps (or whatever it is called) then 10 minutes on the cross-trainer then 5 minutes on the running machine. I ran twice again but now for a minute at a time. That might not sound long and it isn't compared to how long I could once run for but a minute is a long time for a fat man to run. The second minute, after recovering by walking fast for 90 seconds, was really exhausting.

Then had another jacket potato with cottage cheese.

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