Sunday 16 November 2014

Day 1784 & 1785 (15 & 16/11/2014)

Busy weekend, with Thomas making an early start off to Football and my wife covering someone's shift at Asda, so no lie-in for her on what was supposed to be her day off.

I was doing lots of stuff in the office and then tidied the garden again.

Bloody leaves.

In the afternoon I went to the gym. I was only planning on having a swim but unfortunately it was family swimming time, so the pool was full of kids, so I went to the gym for my new work-out routine. 15 minutes cycling, then the weights and sit-ups, doing 15, 10 then 5 reps (or whatever it is called) then 10 minutes on the cross-trainer then 5 minutes on the running machine, where I went from walking to actual running, twice but admittedly for only short periods. I have always hate running, even when I could run 8 or 9 miles without too much difficulty and I know it won't be great for my knees but it might be effective at helping me lose weight and get fit, so I shall slowly increase the running.

Then I went into Lidl to see what they had as I planned a nice meal for my wife. We started with some small scallops in parsley & garlic butter, yum yum.

Then some pork chops with some other things.

I know this is sort of wasting the point of going to the gym during the week but I really love food so I look forward to the weekends and this keeps me going thru the week.

On Sunday I seem to have knocked my good leg.

I now having matching plasters on both legs and am still taking antibiotics just in case.

Lovely Sunday dinner, with another bottle of bubbly.

Three bird roast from Lidl, very tasty.

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