Saturday 26 April 2014

Day 1581 & 1582 (26 & 27/04/2014)

I had aimed to spend the day in the garden but it rained on and off for most of the day, so I just had time to cut the grass and tidy up a bit before the rain came down again and didn't stop.

I didn't have time to plant my flowers or seed the grass but did have time to set up the swinging gnome.

Who said cheap & tacky, oh it was me but don't tell my wife, she loves them.

Managed to clear my desk of most of the accumulated paperwork from the last few years and as a result also have three bags of shredded paper for recycling.

My office is feeling much more roomier now already and I've not really started yet.

Lovely Sunday dinner.

My wife's new gnome, which has a solar panel & binoculars has now started lighting up of a night.

Honestly I never said cheap or tacky but my idea of a minimalist garden never did quite work out but my wife is happy.


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