Thursday 4 October 2012

Day 1013 (04/10/2012)

Doing a few things in the house today before going away again for the weekend.

Sad week with the two funerals in Manchester of Fiona Bone & Nicola Hughes.

I went to a few funerals of colleagues during my time, which were smaller than the Manchester ones but were still full uniform affairs with outriders and the force flag on the coffin etc.

Whilst one was for quite an elderly man who had retired but stayed at work in another role, the other two were for a lady who died in a car crash chasing a stolen car and a man who died in a mountain climbing accident while on holiday. Both were only in their 20's, I knew them well and I cried at both, as I always do at funerals.

A friend of mine, who is the same age as me, no longer goes to funerals, having gone to quite a few work & family ones in the last few years. I can understand that but still think that a funeral is a place to show your last respect.

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