Thursday 23 August 2012

Day 970 (22/08/2012)

Work & stuff yesterday.

Went to see The Wedding Video in the evening as it was an Orange Wednesday. We haven't gone to the cinema for a few months and within a few minutes of taking our seats I remembered why we don't go that often; other people, they are just annoying f**king idiots.

Firstly it isn't that difficult to find your seat. The rows are clearly marked with letters of the alphabet and believe it or not they go alphaf**kingbetically you thick prats.

Then the seats all have numbers on them and rather than them being numbered randomly they follow the general rule of 1-2-3-4-5 etc.

If you are an adult and can't follow the alphabet or count up to 20 then go home and watch the X Factor or something else aimed at the brain dead, as clearly a film with a plot is going to be too much for you.

Secondly its a f**king cinema not a restaurant. If I can sit for 90minutes without having a plate of nachos then so can you.

Thirdly there are other people near you, so just shut the f**k up during the film. I've paid to listen to the film not you.

If I had a gun & immunity from prosecution I could put an end to queues & overcrowding.

Anyway the film was really good.

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