Wednesday 25 January 2012

Day 760 (25/01/2012)

Yesterday my wife decided to order her mum a birthday cake, surprisingly at fairly short notice, so checked out the website of the lady who had made some of our other cakes. She was slightly surprised to see as an example of this ladies work Kelly's Mini Car Birthday Cake.

At the time the lady hadn't done a Mini or even a car before and didn't know how it would turn out. As you can see it was very good, well worth displaying on her website.

This morning we all had to get ready and leave at around 9:30am, all going to different places. I think we need more bathrooms as two are just not enough.

Still working hard but as quickly as I send the completed report outs I keep getting others sent to me. It's never ending, which in some respects (the money) is nice but in others is a pain in the butt (slightly American).

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