Wednesday 22 June 2011

Day 542 (22/06/2011)

I was knackered all day yesterday after my drive to London & back to see Richard Herring.

Mr Pix didn't have to go to college today but unfortunately I am back in London so had to get up even earlier than normal to catch a train. Thankfully I am travelling 1st class again so am being given loads of free tea, orange juice and fruit (to be honest the fruit cake and danish are also nice & free but I thought I better not mention them).

Getting to London early as having a meeting over a long lunch at a pretty exclusive club. As we are eating in the bar I didn't need a tie. Apparently the restaurant is very pricey and the guy I'm meeting said the bar would be better to eat and talk business.

The presentation tonight is fairly short and unpaid (again) but I am sure they will be grateful and it might lead to a few interesting contacts and maybe some other opportunities.

Update -09:45 - Meant to say well impressed by Mr Pix college results .... so far. Keep up the good work, but don't leave it all until the last month next time.

Also damn did I mention the fruit cake & danish.

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