Monday 1 November 2010

Day 309 (01/11/2010)

My hand hurts, well the joints on a few of my fingers, think I'm getting old. Time to take pain killers and blame my mum for the genes that causes it. It's so much easier than taking responsibility myself.

Might get on the bike this week, then ride it next week, haha.

Update - 08:30 - Just looked at twitter and the newspapers and saw all the Jonathan Ross Halloween Party pictures then looked at Facebook to see more of them as a friend was doing the security.

It is times like these when working in an office in the background is not always the best place to be. While I don't like the limelight a few perks and a bit more thanks would be nice.

Also very pleased for my brother getting a name check in Simon Pegg's new autobiography. It is well deserved as he helped a few people out whilst running the comedy club.

I wonder if he mentions me, as I must have been the inspiration for Hot Fuzz, probably not Nicholas Angel more likely Danny Butterman.


  1. Can't find you in it yet - we've already looked! Sorry mate.

    As well as being mentioned in the body of the book within the section about the comedy club, Gary's also listed by name in the index. Woohoo.

  2. Is your friend in fancy dress as George Clooney's younger brother ?

  3. haha, he is a nice guy but not the sort of person you would want to cross, thats why he is a friend of mine
