Wednesday 28 July 2010

Day 213 (28/07/2010)

Well we had a great evening; however it started rather scarily about 2 minutes after I took this photo when someone nearly crashed into us.

The Clifton Sausage was very nice and a pleasant change from curry.

Then my brother had made me a lovely Birthday Cake.

I can't get into the work frame of mind today, though I must as I have loads of things that need doing.

Don't think we will be doing an Orange Wednesday today as there is really only Inception on, but it's over 2hrs long and we would have to go to the 8.30 screening. I'll be asleep well before it finishes.

My hand is not so painful today but still uncomfortable.

Update - 17:15 - Shit day but could have been worse. Last night I noticed a little scratch on my front bumper but I no longer have to worry about that as now you can't even notice it.

See you can't notice the scratch on my bumper.

No-one was hurt and I didn't even loose my temper, it's only a car. I haven't mentioned who was driving but it wasn't me.

The funny thing was when I got a lift to bring the car back to save K***y driving it back, it was parked next to another grey Peugeot and I was thinking "well that looks OK", then I realized it was not my car, mine was the crumpled heap next to it.

Oh well, we live and learn.

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