Thursday 15 July 2010

Day 200 (15/07/2010)

I can hear the cake calling out to me, eat me eat me. Damn you cake, my will is holding strong, for now.

Update - 18:45 - My staff making the most of the ipad.

Still resisting the cake but I can't hold out forever.


  1. Point 1 : It is Day 200, so remember the mission statement for your blog.

    Point 2 : There are no family birthday's today so if you can wait until tomorrow you will then have a legitimate excuse to "eat cake".

    Point 3 : You don't have to deal with the garage today ( I don't think ) so it should be less stressful for need for cake as a refuge.

    Point 4 : No pain, no gain.

    Point 5 : ....can't think of anymore actually, other than the longer you go without, the easier it gets. ( so I'm told.. )

    Have a good day.

  2. Send all the cake to me, and I will take care of it!

  3. I wish I could share the cake around to you all but I think as one cake leaves the house another arrives.

    My wife has said she wont buy me any more cakes but is just buying the cakes for the kids. So thanks for that.

    Aiming to have healthy weeks and nearly healthy weekends.
